科研成果 及獎勵 | 一、主持項目 1.山東省重點研發計劃“高直鏈玉米淀粉提取及功能性食品開發”,20萬元,主持 2.山東省自然科學基金“羧甲基淀粉取代基團在淀粉鏈結構中的分布及其對淀粉功能特性的影響”,10萬元,主持 3.橫向課題“系列低GI代餐食品的研發”,100萬元,主持 4.山東省高等學校科技計劃“取代基團在淀粉分子及超分子結構中的分布研究”,5萬元,主持 5.泰安市科技計劃“抗性淀粉的酶法制備及功能性面食品開發”,5萬元,主持 6. 橫向課題“功能性富硒食品的研發”,10萬元,主持 二、獲獎 1. 山東省科技進步二等獎(第8位),2011 2. 泰安市青年科技獎,2015 三、代表性論文 1. Hui Zhang, Hanxue Hou, Pengfei Liu, Wentao Wang, Haizhou Dong, Effects of Acid Hydrolysis on the Physicochemical Properties of Pea Starch and Its Film Forming Capacity, Food Hydrocolloids, 87 (2019) 173–179. (SCI一區,IF:10.7) 2. Shuang Liu,Hanxue Hou,Meng Yang,Hui Zhang*,Chunrui Sun, Lili Wei,Song Xu, Weili Guo.Hypoglycemic effect of orally administered resistant dextrins prepared with different acids on type 2 diabetes mice induced by high-fat diet and streptozotocin International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 277 (2024) 134085(SCI一區,IF:8.2,) 3.Enjie Diao, Kun Ma, Hui Zhang*, Peng Xie, Shiquan Qian, Huwei Song , Ruifeng Mao, Liming Zhang, Thermal stability and degradation kinetics of patulin in highly acidic conditions: impact of cysteine, Toxins 13 (2021) 662.(SCI一區,IF:5.075) 4.Hui Zhang, Jinli Zhang, Yuling Gao, Wentao Wang, Haizhou Dong, Hanxue Hou and Xingxun Liu. Effect of modification extent of montmorillonite on the performance of starch nanocomposite films. Starch-Starke 2017, 69: 11-12. (SCI四區,IF:2.3) 5. Kun Ma, Hui Zhang*, Enjie Diao*, Shiquan Qian, Peng Xie, Ruifeng Mao, Huwei Song, Liming Zhang. Cysteine-enhanced ultrasound degradation of patulin in acidic solution simulated pH of apple juice. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, 2022, 46:e16547(SCI三區,IF:2.1899) 6. Kun Ma, Enjie Diao*, Hui Zhang *, Shiquan Qian, Peng Xie, Ruifeng Mao,Huwei Song, Liming Zhang. Factors influencing the removal of patulin by cysteine. Toxicon 203(2021): 51–57(SCI四區,IF:2.8) 7. Enjie Diao*, Kun Ma, Shiquan Qian, Hui Zhang*, Peng Xie, Ruifeng Mao, Huwei Song, Removal of patulin by thiol-compounds: A Review. Toxicon 205 (2022) 31–37 ( SCI四區,IF:2.8) 8.劉雙 孫亞芳 魏莉莉 許松 張慧*.有機酸對抗性糊精理化性質及消化特性的影響.中國食品學報(EI),2025 9.張慧,尹訓蘭,侯漢學,董海洲. 微波輻射對陽離子淀粉性質的影響.食品科學(EI),2016,37(15):118-123 |